Usuário Discussão:Projetotolkien

De Compendium Tolkien

Soni Alcorn-Hender images

Soni Alcorn Hender (whose artwork I think is amazing and I've always been a big fan of) has allowed us to upload her images to the site. She asks that we give her credit and link to her website and Instagram

Would you mind sending me a copy of the authorisation through e-mail ( I've already got authorisation from three different artists and I'm planning on uploading their artwork to the Compendium tomorrow. Thank you for the initiative! Projetotolkien (discussão) 16h39min de 9 de março de 2024 (GMT-0300)

Ah nice seeing you online at the same time. I've just sent you an email containing screenshots of the Instagram conversation where I got her permission. I also sent an email about the extension ParserFunctions, to summarize it would fix most of our template issues :) ~ Éowyn talk ~ 20h20min de 9 de março de 2024 (GMT-0300)

Not sure what it does, but sure, I just added the mentioned extension to the wiki. Projetotolkien (discussão) 20h44min de 9 de março de 2024 (GMT-0300)

Reference standards

Sorry for spamming you with information and questions but I'm working on designing citation templates.

I just want to confirm this is the way you want to cite The Lord of the Rings:

J.R.R. Tolkien. O Senhor dos Anéis (Fellowship of the Ring/Two Towers/Return of the King; Chapter) ~ Éowyn talk ~ 20h32min de 9 de março de 2024 (GMT-0300)

No worries, Éowyn. I'm just glad there's someone helping me; feel free to create more "specific" templates.
Here you can see many examples of how I prefer the citations to be.
But, to summarize it: J.R.R. Tolkien. O Senhor dos Anéis (A Sociedade do Anel/As Duas Torres/O Retorno do Rei; Livro I/II/III/IV/V/VI; 0. Chapter Name). No need to add the "chapter" word on it, just the number. Or J.R.R. Tolkien. O Senhor dos Anéis (Apêndices; A/B/etc.: Apenddix Name; Sub-section) Projetotolkien
(discussão) 20h44min de 9 de março de 2024 (GMT-0300)

I'm used to the standard of italicizing book titles, I take it you'd like them bolded instead?

Here in Brazil the standard is for the book title to be bolded. It would be something like this:
TOLKIEN, John Ronald Ruel. O Senhor dos Anéis: A Sociedade do Anel. 1.ª Edição. Rio de Janeiro: HarperCollins Brasil, 2018.
I'm not using the exact standard though, but a variation of it (author's proper name, no publisher info, etc.):
J.R.R. Tolkien. O Senhor dos Anéis (A Sociedade do Anel; Livro I; 1. Uma Festa Muito Esperada)
For books edited by other people, I prefer it like this:
J.R.R. Tolkien (autor). Christopher Tolkien (editor). O Silmarillion (Quenta Silmarillion; 1. Do Princípio dos Dias)
J.R.R. Tolkien (autor). Humphrey Carpenter; Christopher Tolkien (colaboradores). As Cartas de J.R.R. Tolkien (Carta n.º 347)
Projetotolkien (discussão) 21h53min de 9 de março de 2024 (GMT-0300)

Perfect, I'll get at least the Hobbit citation template done today.~

PS I'm making a list of significant edits on my user page to keep track of what's been done/still needs to be done so if you ever want a brief summary of new features I've completed for the wiki, you can see it there without sorting through all the edits.~Éowyn talk ~ 02h24min de 10 de março de 2024 (GMT-0300)